Monday, September 21, 2009

Gold Rush Article

Edited and revised the gold rush article for the South Fork Revue web site on Sunday (Sept 20). It was ready to go, but I couldn’t upload it: Our Internet link failed. After considerable diagnostic work over the phone with an ISP support person, we decided their end and our end were okay, so the problem must be in the DSL service. After two calls by the ISP rep -- the phone company can’t be bothered with ordinary customer calls -- they admitted they did have a regional (apparently) outage. They said it could be a few hours to a whole day before it was corrected. Oh well.

Well, the DSL link was working again this morning (that is, on Monday Sept 21). Naturally, the phone company never told their benighted customers that there was an outage, and we can expect no rebate for the day without service. Anyway, I was able to post the gold rush article on the Revue web site. Now I’ll need to start work on the next segment -- I figure that and one more after it should complete what I want to do.


  1. What is DSL? I read/hear that term all the time. I gather it has to do with Internet access that's faster than dial-up, but no one ever explains what it is.

  2. DSL stands for "Digital Subscriber Line." Depending upon the setup, and usage, data transfers run 5 to 10 times, or more, faster than the best dial-up connection.
    Also, while both methods use the same physical link (copper wire or a combination of fiber-optic and copper), dial-up uses the SAME spectral region as your voice phone, while the DSL signal transfer in a different region. Thus, dial-up ties up your voice phone line. With DSL, you can talk all you want on the phone without messing with your Internet connection at all. (You do need some extra equipment, however.)
    Hope this helps. (After you switch from dial-up to DSL, you'll never want to go back.)

  3. If you consider your time worth anything at all, DSL more than pays for itself compared to dialup.
