"It will aid the owners of horses and cattle in finding their animals, and have a tendency to discourage people from driving horses and cattle away that do not belong to them, for the reason, that the property will be known by all stock men. If the owner should belong to the Idaho Stock Growers' Association the stock would be taken from the thieves, and they prosecuted.”
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Barbed triangle, Dan Murphy; Diamond, Wilkins Company; Spade, Arthur Pence. Valley of Tall Grass. |
"A record is being made of horse and cattle brands in every district in the territory, and a full and complete brand book will be issued. It is important that every stock grower should file his brand at once with the association.”
Three years after that, the Avalanche reprinted an article from the Cassia County Times: “Now that the rodeos are about at hand we would request every stock man in the county to furnish Mr. F. C. Ramsey, stock inspector for this county, with a list of their marks and brands. Outside parties have had a habit of claiming everything on the range unclaimed by parties present at the rodeo, and if Mr. Ramsey has your marks and brands he will probably save a large number from being driven away.”
As attested by other posts, stock theft – generally cattle or horses – was an on-going concern during Idaho’s pioneer period. As just one example, the Idaho Statesman gleaned (November 1, 1889) information about “Cattle Stealing” from the Idaho County Free Press in Grangeville. The item stated that, “Cattle and horse thieves are becoming bold in some sections of our Territory, as reports which reach us would indicate.”
The lower Salmon River area had been hard hit because stolen stock could be quickly driven into rugged terrain. One gang of rustlers had been so confident, they stole one band, sold it in Walla Walla, and came right back for another haul. Luckily, that proved to be an over-reach, and they were caught before they could escape into Washington.

The Idaho Brand Inspector web page says, “Not obtaining a brand inspection when required by the Idaho brand laws is considered an infraction for the first offense and a misdemeanor for the second offense, punishable by a fine not to exceed $300 and or six months in jail.”
References: Adelaide Hawes, Valley of Tall Grass, Caxton Printers, Caldwell, Idaho (1950). |
“Cattle Growers’ Association,” Owyhee Avalanche, Silver City, Idaho (March 28, 1885). |
“Stockmen Should Supply Brand Lists,” Owyhee Avalanche, Silver City, Idaho (June 2, 1888). |
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