Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Spud Farmer, Expert, and Booster Joe Marshall – Idaho® Potato King [otd 04/03]

Joe Marshall. Beal & Wells photo.
Joseph P. Marshall, who did more than any other one person to improve and popularize the Idaho® potato, was born April 3, 1874 in Versailles, Ohio, about thirty miles northwest of Dayton. He moved west to Montana in 1892 and went to work at a stock ranch north of Billings. Over a period of years, he taught himself civil engineering as it related to canal building and irrigation systems.

 While shuttling between projects in Montana, North Dakota, and Texas, he also examined irrigation possibilities around what was soon to become Twin Falls, Idaho. He claimed land nearby in 1903 and moved his family there three years later. By then, canals were feeding water to acreage in the area, the railroad had arrived, and Twin Falls was booming.

Joe was still busy with his widespread projects so it was 1908 before his Idaho farm produced a full crop of potatoes. Two years later, he leased out the farm to pursue a project in Mexico. However, civil war in that country forced him back to Idaho by about 1915. As he became increasingly involved with his Idaho operation, Marshall spent more and more time studying how to effectively grow high-quality potatoes.  He also expanded his land holdings.

Idaho potato production hit a crisis point in 1921-1922. The quality of the tubers had deteriorated and was further degraded by disease infestations. Land from failed operations depressed the books of regional banks, and many more farmers with mortgages found themselves in dire financial straits. By then, Joe had gained a considerable reputation for his knowledge and attention to detail in raising, handling, and marketing potatoes.

Marshall began acting as an agent for the banks and out-of-state owners, trying to upgrade potato industry practices all over the state. His methods involved upgraded seed potatoes, improved field practices, and more care in post-harvest tuber handling. Soon, the reliably high quality of his potatoes, and those of farmers who followed his lead, began to command premium prices.
Marshall checking Idaho® potatoes in the field.
For high-resolution versions, contact the Idaho Potato Commission.

Naturally, top prices encouraged greater and greater production, which required a heightened effort to maintain the best quality. The University of Idaho (UI) helped with on-going research into all aspects of potato production. Also, the state created what would eventually become the Idaho® Potato Commission. (Idaho spuds became distinctive enough to merit a Registered Trademark.)

Potato history credits Chicago restauranteur Dario Louis Toffenetti with popularizing the huge “Idaho baker” as an inexpensive-but-filling menu item.

As the story goes, Marshall had made a trial shipment to Chicago that contained only the largest tubers. But the load failed to sell. (Joe almost certainly had to charge more to cover the cost of the extra sorting.) Dario dropped by the warehouse, saw the “huge and beautiful” potatoes, and had a vision. He bought the entire lot and began promoting “baked Idaho potatoes” at his restaurants. Toffenetti’s enthusiastic marketing further added to the premium identity of the Idaho® potato.

For over a quarter century Joe was "the face" of Idaho® potatoes, and, in 1940, the United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association award him the title of "Potato King." Two years after he died in January 1964, the UI potato facility in Aberdeen was named the "Joe Marshall Potato Research Center" in his honor.
References: [B&W]
James W. Davis, Aristocrat in Burlap: A History of the Potato in Idaho, Idaho Potato Commission, Boise (1992).


  1. Thank you for this post. Joe Marshall was my great grandfather. Growing up in the Magic Valley, I got to see his impact on farmers across the area. Although he had passed on before I was born, his legacy still lives on.

  2. Thank you for this wonderful story about my great grandfather. He continues to serve as an inspiration in our family and I hope for others as well.

  3. This was truly inspiring. he has left such an impact on Idaho

  4. Angela Marshall KittridgeFebruary 5, 2025 at 3:21 PM

    Thank you. Joseph Phillip Marshall is my Great Grandfather. Born of French immigrants from the Alsace/Lorraine area of France. He was self taught man who was ahead of him time & he went out of his way to help people & teach others. He was very poor as a child & left home & went west & southwest to find work at a very young age. He even developed a pineapple & sugar cane plantation in Tehuantepec Mexico with a partner. In the revolution his partner was killed & he had to hide out in the jungle til he could safely leave Mexico. My Father James J. Marshall is his oldest Grandson & his apprentice in many ways. My Dad was also a successful potato farmer & cleared out almost 2000 acres with the help of many hardworking young men. Located between Jerome & Shoshone Idaho where I was raised through the age of 12. I was born a month before Grandpa Joe was hit by a car when he was crossing the road to his mailbox at the age of 90. This did lead to his death. He held me as a baby but I only got to know him through my Dad who loved & aspired to be the beautiful man his Grandfather Joe was. Neither man were story tellers but were honest, God fearing, servants of God & his people they both went out of their way to help & teach others & they were lifelong learners. A few years ago I found out they helped hugely with funding for St. Edwards Catholic Church in Twin Falls, Idaho. I’m not surprised I didn’t hear about this earlier. Great Grandpa Joe was well known for his humble manner. He was said to be most comfortable in his overalls. Also I didn’t realize till years after high schools that the large wall hanging behind the tellers at the Twin Falls Bank & Trust were pictures of Grandpa Joe’s farm fields & one was of Grandpa Joe. The Twin Falls Bank & Trust was one of the banks that didn’t go out of business when farmers couldn’t pay their mortgages, debts because of disease & poor quality potatoes. Grandpa Joe was hired to help the farmers & therefore saved some of the small town banks in Idaho & nearby states. So I continue to love & aspire to these great men who shaped my life in so many beautiful ways. I am so blessed. I continue to gather articles & history & stories of their legacy. The Magic Valley Star article is a great one that puts dates to much of his west & southwest adventures & has amazing pictures of his elaborate booths at his booths in Chicago every year. His marketing in Chicago, farming techniques, teaching others & so much more is literally why Idaho became famous for potatos. And I’m not ignoring all the farmers who listened to him & produced thousands of potatoes & filled the want & need for those beautiful Idaho bakers. I thank you for this article. And I am not a writer but a well educated nurse and would love to write the story, history of these brave, intelligent, kind, hardworking Idahoans that really show a big part of how Southern Idaho was built on the backs of so many hardworking men & women. As you can see I have more than began writing & researching. I have such a passion to do this but need guidance on how who what & where because I’m not Journalist. I do love when I find one that publishes good honest facts. Something that is hard to find these days. If you have any suggestions please notify me at 509 893-1525 or
    Thank you.

  5. Angela Marshall KittridgeFebruary 5, 2025 at 3:21 PM

    Thank you. Joseph Phillip Marshall is my Great Grandfather. Born of French immigrants from the Alsace/Lorraine area of France. He was self taught man who was ahead of him time & he went out of his way to help people & teach others. He was very poor as a child & left home & went west & southwest to find work at a very young age. He even developed a pineapple & sugar cane plantation in Tehuantepec Mexico with a partner. In the revolution his partner was killed & he had to hide out in the jungle til he could safely leave Mexico. My Father James J. Marshall is his oldest Grandson & his apprentice in many ways. My Dad was also a successful potato farmer & cleared out almost 2000 acres with the help of many hardworking young men. Located between Jerome & Shoshone Idaho where I was raised through the age of 12. I was born a month before Grandpa Joe was hit by a car when he was crossing the road to his mailbox at the age of 90. This did lead to his death. He held me as a baby but I only got to know him through my Dad who loved & aspired to be the beautiful man his Grandfather Joe was. Neither man were story tellers but were honest, God fearing, servants of God & his people they both went out of their way to help & teach others & they were lifelong learners. A few years ago I found out they helped hugely with funding for St. Edwards Catholic Church in Twin Falls, Idaho. I’m not surprised I didn’t hear about this earlier. Great Grandpa Joe was well known for his humble manner. He was said to be most comfortable in his overalls. Also I didn’t realize till years after high schools that the large wall hanging behind the tellers at the Twin Falls Bank & Trust were pictures of Grandpa Joe’s farm fields & one was of Grandpa Joe. The Twin Falls Bank & Trust was one of the banks that didn’t go out of business when farmers couldn’t pay their mortgages, debts because of disease & poor quality potatoes. Grandpa Joe was hired to help the farmers & therefore saved some of the small town banks in Idaho & nearby states. So I continue to love & aspire to these great men who shaped my life in so many beautiful ways. I am so blessed. I continue to gather articles & history & stories of their legacy. The Magic Valley Star article is a great one that puts dates to much of his west & southwest adventures & has amazing pictures of his elaborate booths at his booths in Chicago every year. His marketing in Chicago, farming techniques, teaching others & so much more is literally why Idaho became famous for potatos. And I’m not ignoring all the farmers who listened to him & produced thousands of potatoes & filled the want & need for those beautiful Idaho bakers. I thank you for this article. And I am not a writer but a well educated nurse and would love to write the story, history of these brave, intelligent, kind, hardworking Idahoans that really show a big part of how Southern Idaho was built on the backs of so many hardworking men & women. As you can see I have more than began writing & researching. I have such a passion to do this but need guidance on how who what & where because I’m not Journalist. I do love when I find one that publishes good honest facts. Something that is hard to find these days. If you have any suggestions please notify me at 509 893-1525 or
    Thank you.
